Hudson Valley Magazine
Tree Juice Maple Syrup CSA Sees Sweet Success Their CSA is set up a bit differently than your standard vegetable share program.BY GIA MILLER In 2012, Ryan Annetts, who was working in immigration, had a conversation with his best friend Jake Fairbairn that changed the course of both of their lives. “At the time, Jake was making gelato and buying maple syrup from a friend down the road,” Annetts recalled. “I asked him why he was buying the syrup when he had his own sap house. During that conversation, we decided to give the business a go.” They named their...

We’re All Tapped!
We’re all ready for the sap to flow for the 2018 season! After fixing lines chewed by squirrels or downed by fallen trees, and hiking up miles in the sugar bush, we are finally all tapped! Many thanks to our helpers Greg, Adam, Keith, and Elijah. Now we just wait for the warm days and freezing nights that allow the sap to flow. Let the season begin!

Welcome Greg Lehn to the Team!
We are thrilled to introduce the newest member of the Tree Juice Maple Syrup team, Greg Lehn! Greg started working with us last season helping tap trees, check and repair sap lines, lug wood to the evaporator every 8 minutes, and everything else necessary to produce our special sweet stuff He soon discovered his passion for working in the forest and being at one with Mother Nature. So this year it’s official and he’s full time with Ryan and Jake making and sharing the sweet stuff (his favorite variety is Bourbon Barrel Aged so we have to watch he doesn’t eat...

NEW PRESS from The Daily Star
Nestled in eastern Delaware County is a staple of the Northeast, a sugar shack producing fresh maple syrup. Except this one has a twist, a vanilla twist. Or a chocolate twist. Or bourbon — whatever you’re into.